Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Company initiated a greenhouse gas inventory in compliance with the Ministry of Environment's regulations in 2021. In 2022, the Company conducted a greenhouse gas inventory with the boundary of entire Formosa Laboratories (the Louchu Plant and Louchu Plant 2), using the methodology of GHG Protocol and the latest version of the international standard ISO 14064- 1:2018. The Company plans to commission a qualified third-party verification organization in 2023 to verify greenhouse gas emissions and obtain an ISO 14064-1 greenhouse gas verification statement. In the future, the Company will conduct annual greenhouse gas inventories and verifications, set specific reduction targets for greenhouse gases, and use 2022 as the base year for annual reduction progress reviews.

In 2022, the greenhouse gas emissions of Formosa Laboratories are as follows: Scope 1(Category 1) emissions are 7,744.8849 metric tons; Scope 2 (Category 2) emissions are 25,787.124 metric tons; Scope 3 (Category 3 to 6) emissions are 11,251.9124 metric tons, totaling 44,783.9213 metric tons. Due to the greenhouse gas inventory and calculation for the year 2022, which was conducted in accordance with international standards, the data is more complete than before 2021. No further explanations of the differences are provided to avoid distorting comparisons.

GHG Emissions of Formosa Laboratories in the Past Two Years

(unit: metric tons of CO2e)Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  1. The greenhouse gas emissions are compiled using the operational control method, following the methodology of ISO 14064-1:2018 for inventory. The investigation of items in Scope 3 (Categories 3 to 6) is only conducted for certain items in Categories 3 and 4; however, the data for Scope 3 has not been investigated in 2021, and thus relevant information has not been included in the statistics.
  2. The GWP of each greenhouse gas is based on estimated values from the IPCC's Assessment Report 6 (AR6) that differ from the coefficient in the AR4 version reported to the Ministry of Environment. These differences lead to variations in the data.
  3. In 2021, the carbon emission coefficient for electricity is 0.509 tons CO2e/kWh. As for 2022, the carbon emission coefficient for electricity is 0.495 kg CO2e/kWh.
  4. GHG emission intensity calculation formula: Total GHG emissions (metric tons CO2e) / revenue (NT$ thousand).

Energy saving and Carbon Reduction

Formosa Laboratories currently employs multiple paperless management systems, which not only improve operational efficiency but also reduce paper waste. The initial implementation of the Business Process Management (BPM) system starts with procurement, followed by the relevant requirements from each department. Currently, most processes are online and nearing completion. This will approximately save 65,800 A4 papers annually. Agilent GC/LC's Product Analysis Reports can be attached directly to the LIMS (Lab Information Management System) as electronic files, eliminating the need for paper printing and saving approximately 268,500 A4 papers annually. The launch of the Document Management System (DMS) in 2023 is expected to save approximately 19,600 A4 papers annually.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
In 2022, the Company implemented nine energy-saving and carbon-reducing measures. These included adopting air conditioning operation procedures and behavior changes, improving plant equipment, and enhancing operational efficiency. By comparing the carbon emissions prior to improvement, we estimate a potential reduction in carbon emissions of around 1,537 metric tons CO2e. In the future, we will strive to decrease annual electricity consumption to achieve our energy conservation and carbon reduction goals. The energy-saving measures are such as replacing energy-consuming equipment with energysaving and environmentally friendly labeled lighting and electrical appliances, turning off air conditioning and lighting in unoccupied meeting rooms or public areas, building a second-phase solar power generation facility, evaluating green buildings, and purchasing renewable energy source.


2022 Formosa Laboratories Saving and Carbon Reduction Action Plan Performance

Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  1. All types of energy-saving listed are electricity; the scope of carbon reduction refers to Scope 2.
  2. The energy savings are calculated based on estimated electricity savings before and after implementing each action plan, taking into account the average monthly electricity savings and activation time. The electricity savings for 2022 will be estimated and then converted into million joules using a conversion factor of 1 kWh = 3.6 MJ.
  3. The carbon reduction is calculated based on the saved electricity consumption * the carbon emission coefficient of electricity. The emission coefficient used in the calculation is 0.495 kg CO2e/kWh, as announced by the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs in 2022. The value has been rounded to the fourth decimal place.