Air Pollution Prevention

Formosa Laboratories is committed to reducing air pollutants, considering the importance of energy conservation and pollution reduction for sustainable development. We employ clean energy natural gas as fuel for boilers to reduce the generation of air pollutants. Volatile organic waste gases are processed through a Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) to prevent emissions that direct pollute environment and reduce the energy consumption of heavy oil. The plant's air pollutant emissions comply with Taiwan's "Standards for Air Pollutant Emission from Stationary Pollution Sources" and "Standards for Air Pollutant Emission from Boilers". From 2020 through 2022, each pollution source and its associated pollution control equipment operated in accordance with the content of permit. The annual emissions are calculated based on the concentration and emission coefficient in the inspection report, as detailed in the table below.

Air Pollutant Emissions of Formosa Laboratories Boilers in the Past Three Years
(unit: metric tons)

Air Pollutant Emissions of Formosa Laboratories RTO in the Past Three Years
(unit: metric tons)

Note: The frequency of testing for RTO is compliance with the instructions in the air pollution operating permit, which only requires testing before an extension (once every five years). Therefore, the annual emissions for 2021 and 2022 are based on the emission coefficient for 2020.
